You are invited to the Legislative Caucus on Aging (LCOA) - State of the State: Direct Care Workforce event being held on January 27th, 12 noon to 1:15 pm (virtual). This event will focus on the shortages of direct care workers today and the efforts to increase this...
Aging Caucus Meeting through the lens of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
You are invited to the Legislative Caucus on Aging (LCOA) on February 8th, from 12 noon to 1 pm (virtual). This event will focus on the intersection of age and race, with a special emphasis on the occurrence and impact of dementia on the diverse population in...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Events in Colorado
Each year, on the third Monday in January we celebrate the life and accomplishments of civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King was born in Atlanta on Jan. 15, 1929, the son of a Baptist preacher. He would have turned 93 this month. Learn more about...
Longevity Research and the Clinic: The Geroscience Hypothesis
Join us for the, "Longevity Research and the Clinic: The geroscience hypothesis" webinar. This lecture is part of Columbia University Irving Medical Center's "CUIMC Grand Rounds" hosted by the Mailman School of Public Health in our centennial series. The event...
A New Map of Life Webinar with Laura L. Carstensen, PhD
You are invited to, "A New Map of Life" webinar with Laura L. Carstensen, PhD. Our presenter is the Director, Stanford Center on Longevity Professor of Psychology and the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy Stanford University. Join us on Thursday,...
Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities – Lunch & Learn
Join us for a virtual lunch and learn via Zoom with Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities (PAFC). The event features Andrew Davies, the Executive Director of the Colorado Center for Aging. Andrew will be talking about, "The concept of positive and negative rights,...
Financial & Estate Planning for Your Future: The Basics
Prepare to understand and learn more as you join AgeWise Colorado for a panel discussion about the various ways of financial and estate planning regardless of your age! Join our panel of experts and get your questions answered. The Webinar is free but we ask that you...
Colorado Center for Aging 2nd Annual Voices on Aging Week
Join us for our February Voices on Aging Week Feb 14th & Feb 16th Colorado Center for Aging is hosting their 2nd Annual Voices on Aging Week in February. Our Voices on Aging Event offers insight and discussion on timely topics impacting older Coloradans. February...
CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting
On Monday, February 7, 2022 the CCA Advocacy Committee will meet. Our CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting eNewsletter with agenda is sent out on the Sunday before a Monday morning meeting. We will be meeting every Monday until the session ends. Sometimes meetings are...
State Policies to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce – Webinar
Funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation and the RRF Foundation for Aging, NASHP’s RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center is hosting this webinar on Feburary 8, 2022 at 1:00PM Eastern Time to discuss state policies to improve the quality and supply...