Two Events Down and ONE Webinar on May 25th to Go!
Great Events Celebrating Older Coloradan’s Month in Colorado!
This event is organized by Colorado Center for Aging Network
You can still buy a ticket for the May 25th Webinar!
A $25 ticket gives you access to the upcoming May 25th webinar and access to the recordings of the May 13th and May 19th webinars.
AND you are supporting the Colorado Center for Aging!
Buy your ticket today – We will send you a link to the May 25th Webinar
Age My Way Strategies and Townhall (Virtual Event)
Every May America celebrates Older Americans Month. This year’s theme, “Age My Way!” focuses on how older adults can age in their communities, living independently for as long as possible, and participating in ways they choose. Colorado Center for Aging is leading the celebration in Colorado!
May 25, 2022
10:30AM – 11:45AM
Age My Way Strategies and Townhall
(Virtual Event)
Hear the latest about Colorado’s recent legislative session successes for aging your way, innovations with technology, what to know about homesharing, and learn about “Aging in Community” from one of Colorado’s AARP Age-Friendly representatives. This event is hosted by Colorado Center for Aging and AgeWise Colorado!
Learn more about AARP Livable Communities and the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.
Our May 13th & May 19th events are passed and they were AMAZING!
We hope you were able to join us in-person or on the Live Stream. We will be sharing the recordings.
May 13, 2022 – Friday, 8:30AM – 10:30AM
Older Coloradans Act (and other legislation) Celebration Breakfast! at First Baptist Church of Denver
We had pesentations by Jarett Hughes (Senior Policy Advisor to the Governor on Aging), Yolanda Webb and Kara Harvey (Directors in the Colorado Department of Human Services) on the impact of the OCAct and its implementation and “What it means for older Coloradans?” We had fun giving awards to legislators and those making a community impact. And breakfast was delicious! But the most fun was getting together in person and networking!
May 19, 2022
10:30AM – 11:45AM
“Voices on Aging”
(Virtual Event)
Join us for keynote speaker AARP-National’s Chief Diversity Officer Edna Kane-Williams presenting on diversity, equity, and inclusion for legislation, and the reveal of Colorado Center for Aging’s “Voices on Aging” Video Archive Project, sharing successes and concerns on aging in communities across Colorado.
Colorado Center for Aging introduced the “Voices on Aging” Video Archive Project in February of 2021. It was so successful that it is now a centerpiece of our educational activities. These videos will inform, awaken, unite, educate, excite, and engage.
Tickets are $25 for the remaining May 25th webinar
Your ticket purchase helps support Colorado Center for Aging
Our May 13th Sponsor
May 13th Breakfast Sponsor
Our May 19th Sponsor

Sponsorships Available!