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On March 18, 2021, the Colorado House of Representatives assembly read a Tribute to Colorado Senior Lobby into the House record.

This is a tribute to each and every person who has ever been engaged with CSL and to every older Coloradan.

Details about this event

On Thursday March 18, 2021 Colorado House of Representatives assembly gave a Tribute to Colorado Senior Lobby that was read into the House record. This is a tribute to each and every person who has ever been engaged with CSL and to every older Coloradan.

Just to give you an idea of how things like this move in the General Assembly, this tribute was initiated last summer with an idea from Jarett Hughes. Jarett was at that time a new board member of CSL (he has since moved into the Senior Policy Advisor on Aging in the Governor’s office). Jarett suggested a joint resolution of both chambers that would, among other things, make a declaration for Older Coloradans Week. Through subsequent discussions with Leadership, it was suggested by House Speaker Garnett that a different course be taken – in the form of a Tribute to CSL. We then pursued that idea, submitted our thoughts, and here we are – about nine months later.

In the meantime, CSL, along with several other groups, decided to stage the first ever Older Coloradans Week, which was very successfully accomplished the week of February 8 with a team of volunteers – and of course via Zoom.

This is big moment for Colorado Senior Lobby and all older Coloradans. Help celebrate it! Share this video!