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3 Great Events Celebrating Older American’s Month in Colorado!
Today is May 19th Voices on Aging Webinar with the expert on organizational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – AARP’s Edna Kane-Williams – don’t miss this!
Topic: CO Center for Aging – Voices on Aging (Virtual Event)
Time: May 19, 2022 10:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 8812 3829
Passcode: CCA2022!
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We will be sending out event reminders and the Zoom link for both all 3 events multi-times the week before and the day of the events. Note that the May 13th event is in-person and the May 19th and May 25th events are virtual.
If you have any questions about the event call Colorado Center for Aging at 720-835-1976 or email us at:
Thank you again for registering!
As a reminder the registration cost includes all 3 events!
Visit our Older Coloradans Month event website to see details about our speakers:
May 19, 2022
Thursday – 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Voices on Aging (Virtual Event)
Join us for keynote speaker AARP-National’s Chief Diversity Officer Edna Kane-Williams
May 25, 2022
Wednesday – 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Age My Way Strategies and Townhall (Virtual Event)
Find event details on our Older Coloradans Month event website: