Colorado Center for Aging
Become a Citizen AdvocateAn effective citizen advocate for Colorado Center for Aging is willing to learn and develop the below qualities and skills. No one who is new to this work has these from day 1. Rather, they are learned, over time. Dive in; you can do it!
- Passion for the at least one issue impacting older adults
- Willingness to learn about the process of policy making and implementation.
- Patience and persistence as the legislative process does not typically move quickly. We may not succeed on the first try (or even the second).
- Learn the power of coalitions – everyone needs allies, and there is power in numbers.
Attend a CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting
There will again be opportunities to attend in person. Until then, you may call into a meeting using our Zoom account. If you are using Zoom through your computer, then you need to download the free Zoom software.
If you are calling in and not using your computer to view the Zoom presentation, then you just need to call in using the Zoom number provided on the event.
Other ways to engage
Attend CCA Advocacy Committee Meetings
Form a group of interested people to discuss/debate issues regarding older adults in YOUR area.
We will work with you on current topics to discuss, or keep the focus local and try to tackle some local issues. We are always around for support.